Visit the old quarter of Hernani

Visit the old quarter of Hernani

Visit the old quarter of Hernani Medieval town Hernani was an oval-shaped walled town with 5 entry gates, 2 of which have been preserved likewise the majority of the streets and buildings from the Middle Ages. It is one of the Basque historic-artistic sites classified...
Chillida leku

Chillida leku

Chillida leku The culmination of Eduardo Chillida’s lifelong dream. A sculptural space in itself, where he stamped his vision of shape, space and accumulated time Booking: 943 335963     Nafar kalea, 18...
Visit Sagardoetxea

Visit Sagardoetxea

Visit Sagardoetxea   If you want to know everything there is to know about cider, then you have an event you can’t avoid. Sagardoetxea, is more than just a museum, it’s an experience, because it’s been designed as an interactive space with activities revolving...

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