Zubieta Hippodrome

Zubieta Hippodrome

Zubieta Hippodrome Horse races and athletics Zubieta Hippodrome belongs to Donostia-San Sebastián, although it’s always been closely linked to Lasarte-Oria, and fact is, it’s just a few metres from its town centre on the other bank of the Oria. Apart from horseracing,...

Leitzaran Visitors’ Centre

Leitzaran Visitors’ Centre, the best starting point for your excursions You can arrive by road from Andoain and leave your car in the car park or via the Plazaola Green Route crossing over Auzokalte bridge and going through a tunnel to the car park. Close, very close...
650 Usurbil bizi

650 Usurbil bizi

Harria hitz Artistic and cultural tour of Usurbil Usurbil es un municipio muy implicado en el resurgimiento de la cultura vasca acaecido en la década de los años 60. Es por ello que podemos encontrar muchas muestras artísticas en su casco antiguo El recorrido Harria...
BIDEGORRIAK. Cycle path network

BIDEGORRIAK. Cycle path network

Bidegorriak. Cycle paths 353Km of Cycle paths Bidegorriak. GIPUZKOA Gipuzkoa currently has 353Km of Cycle paths, the planned network has 439Km. Apart from the intriguing Plazaola Green Route, Donostialdea has quite a few kilometres of cycle paths connecting the region...

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